Frequently Asked Questions
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What is Omega-3?
Omega – 3s are a type of fatty acids that are essential for our health and wellbeing. While our body relies on them for many things, we are not able to produce them ourselves and therefore need to consume them through food. The omega – 3 fatty acids that are most important to us can be found in fatty fish such as mackerel or salmon but also in some plant based foods like flaxseed or walnuts. These are three different types of omega – 3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and alpha linolenic acid (ALA). These omega-3s have a positive impact on our heart health, can reduce inflammation and are good for our cognitive performance.
To find out more about the health benefits of omega – 3 fatty acids here. (
What is the difference between omega-3 and fish oil?
Fish oil is an oil made from the tissue of fatty fish such as mackerel or salmon and contains the omega – 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. These fatty acids are a specific type of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are important for our heart health and many other functions in our body. Our body can not produce those fatty acids itself so we have to consume them either through our diet or by taking a fish oil or krill oil food supplement that contains those fats.
Read more about the difference between omega-3 and fish oil here. (
What is krill oil?
Red krill oil is also an excellent source of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. It is made from krill, a small crustacean sourced from the pure waters of the Southern ocean. Next to these essential fatty acids krill oil also contains other important nutrients and the antioxidant astaxanthin, which makes it a powerful anti-inflammatory.
Find our more about the health benefits of krill oil here (
What is the difference between fish oil and krill oil?
The main difference is in the origin of the oil. Like the name says, krill oil is made from krill and fish oil from a variety of different fatty cold-water fish. And while they both contain the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA, there are differences in the molecular structure of the fatty acids and krill oil also contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, which does not occur in most fish oils.
The health benefits of both oils are similar but there are some differences. You can find more information about the differences between those two supplements here. (
Health and benefits
What are the health benefits of omega-3?
Consuming omega – 3 supplements such as fish oil or krill oil is linked to a vast variety of health benefits from healthier, hydrated skin and hair, a lower risk of heart disease, a stronger immune system and faster muscle recovery after exercise. With a high-quality supplement it is easy to make sure that your body has enough of those essential fatty acids and that you are always performing at your best. Read more about the health benefits of omega – 3 here (
What are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids?
They are a specific type of fat with a chemical structure containing multiple double bonds, which makes them more stable. They naturally occur in plants and animals and some of them, like omega – 3s, are very important for our metabolism.
Why do we need omega - 3 food supplements?
Omega – 3 fatty acids have a lot of health benefits for both body and mind. While they naturally occur in some foodstuffs it can be difficult to obtain sufficient amounts through food alone. Fish oil or krill oil supplements contain high levels of essential omega – 3s and therefore make it easy to reach your daily quota of omega – 3s. They are also a good option for people who do not like fish for example. Read this blogpost to find out more about which type of food supplies you with omega – 3s. (
What is omega - 6 and why is the omega - 6 to omega - 3 ratio so important?
Omega – 6 is another polyunsaturated fatty acid, however with a different impact on our body than omega – 3s and it can even have a pro-inflammatory effect. It is therefore important that we maintain a healthy ratio between omega – 3 and omega – 6. If this ratio is off, this can lead to a higher risk of many chronic diseases. Omega – 6 are naturally present in foodstuffs such as corn oil and other vegetable oils that are used a lot in a modern western diet. Therefore our balance between those two is often more in favour of omega – 6 than it should be and we should try to increase our omega – 3 intake, for example by adding a high – quality food supplement to our daily routine. Read more about which types of fat are good or bad for you here. (
I am pregnant, do I need to take omega-3?
The developing baby takes all the nutrients it needs from its mother’s blood. It is therefore important for the mother to consume sufficient amounts of omega-3 because they are important for the development of the fetus, especially its eyes, brain and nervous system. It also helps the mother as it has been shown to help reduce the risk of postpartum depression. Read more about the importance of omega – 3 during pregnancy in this article. (
Can I get enough omega - 3 from food?
There are several foods that contain omega – 3 naturally such as fatty fish or even plant-based foods such as flaxseed or walnuts. A healthy lifestyle and balanced diet are crucial for a healthy body and mind but it is not always easy to maintain the diet necessary to achieve a sufficient omega – 3 intake. This is where omega – 3 food supplements come into play. These capsules can make it easy for you to reach your daily omega – 3 quota while saving you the headache of calculating ingredients for every meal.